My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Very often, as children of God, we say that we want to remain attached to the Holy Spirit,
that he does what he wants and that we are ready to abandon ourselves to his feet.
Usually these are just words that come out of our mouths.
We all have crutches with which we go forward, even if we hobble, they serve as a support, we have branches that we still hold on to to prevent us from finding ourselves alone,
they are our help.
But that is not what the Lord wants,
He wants us to get rid of these supports and lean on him.
The Lord no longer wants children who keep looking for help elsewhere than with him,
He is looking for those who depend totally on him.
The Christians of the early Church did not walk in confusion, because they were led by the Spirit.
They consulted the Holy Spirit and he led them.
Walking by the Spirit means having a clear purpose and making clear decisions.
Letting ourselves be led by the Holy Spirit keeps us from being manipulated,
gives us direction, warnings and everything we need.
Walking by the Spirit means letting him teach us the deep and hidden things of God.
Let us be still in his presence and allow the Holy Spirit to show us the heart of the Lord.
When we do, he points us in the right direction without our even having to ask.
When we board a plane, the itinerary is known only to the pilot and the control tower.
Once seated, many of us fall asleep because we trust the pilot to take us safely to our destination.
Can we realise how much good we can do by allowing ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit? When a man leads us, it is possible to experience a crash, but when it is the Holy Spirit who guides us, orients us, leads us, even through the valley of the shadow of death, his rod and his staff reassure us.
Let us set our hearts to seek him today, and we will learn to recognise his voice. Let us begin to praise, sing and trust in God and he will take care of our deliverance.
Let Jesus show us the way in our choices and decisions.
We have tried to lead ourselves but we have done so badly.
We decide to let you guide our steps, Lord.
Be the light on our path and allow us to escape all the traps and wiles of the enemy of our souls.
Proverbs, 21:2 – All the ways of man are right in his own eyes, but the Lord is the One who weighs the heart.
Pray that your heart will be directed by the Holy Ghost.
Man can make serious mistakes about the moral value of his conduct; his judgement is fallible.
God has an infallible balance.
Everyone thinks they are relatively pure; but what does the Lord think of us?
We entrust ourselves to you this day, Father.
Be our light at all times.
Hello family
Good day to you

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