My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again.
Let’s go to church to serve God, our beautiful clothes or our assets just seduce men, all that does nothing for the Lord.
If our hearts are not applied to his laws, there is no point in wasting our time.
If we want to take the form of the Lord’s vision, let us help ourselves, otherwise we will not succeed on our own.
The places of authority in the house of the Lord that we covet so as not to remain in the shadows,
It’s not always bad, but let’s be reassured that we have the heart of a servant,
let’s be motivated to live a life that glorifies the Lord.
So the Lord knows how to put us where he wants us to serve him, because very often we are focused on something else that feeds our pride and selfishness.
But Yaweh wants to rid us of that so that we can purify our hearts through service.
This is our day of celebration and each of us wants to be reconciled with the Father,
We want to separate ourselves from the prejudices that prevent us from consecrating ourselves.
We want the Lord to dwell in our midst, and to do that we have to get away from the ease with which we live and do things to please men.
Here is Paul’s advice for us: Colossians, 3:23 – Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as for the Lord and not for men,
Pray to act as having the Lord present in appearance in front of you.
When it is the Lord who comes first,
we put aside any ambition to make a good impression on others.
Our aim is not to live a superficial Christian life that looks good but is empty, but rather to do God’s will from the bottom of our hearts.
The apostle Paul encourages the Christians of the ancient city of Colosse to imitate God’s qualities and also shows that a person’s worship of God should influence all areas of their life.
So we are all wise to serve God with all our hearts.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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