My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Spiritual warfare is real, and we must not underestimate it.
Some people blame every sin, every conflict and every problem that arises on demons that need to be cast out.
Others completely ignore the spiritual world and the fact that we are fighting against spiritual powers. The key to victory in spiritual warfare is to find the right biblical balance.
We are all in a ring and you must learn to defend ourselves with strength.
That’s what Jesus did, he defended himself against the devil who wanted to seduce him by promising him everything but life during his forty days in the desert.
The battle is not carnal or physical; it is invisible, spiritual.
He fights against the entities of the spiritual world.
So the weapons are not natural but powerful through the virtues of God.
Spiritual warfare is the ability to fight against unseen forces that try to influence our lives and control our future.
Ephesians, 6:12 – For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of this dark world, against evil spirits in high places.
Fast and pray to flight effectively.
When the Bible talks about flesh, it is talking about what is visible, physical, what relies on our natural senses.
This passage shows us that for God, living the promise is earned, obtained and maintained through struggle.
God has never given us promises that would not require effort on our part, and although Israel’s struggle was physical, ours is in many ways spiritual, a principle from which God does not waiver.
The question of combat no longer arises, nor that of its nature.
Instead, we need to ask ourselves whether, like everyone who is supposed to fight, we are trained and equipped for spiritual warfare. Do we know the weapons we need to win, and do we know the enemies we have to fight?
First of all, we need to develop a warrior’s mentality!
To be a good warrior, you need to have the right discernment.
So we need to ask the Holy Spirit to spread light in our hearts so that we can better discern our evil inclinations from our good ones.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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