My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Faith without works is a life that is not transformed; it is a heart that is spiritually dead.
James, 2:26 – As the body without the soul is dead, so faith without works is dead.
Be a doer of good works.
This verse is addressed to us who claim to be Christians without demonstrating good works in our lives.
A dead body that is lifeless is without a spirit to animate it,
without a soul, totally inert,
it is useless,
It does nothing.
James uses this image to say that faith without works is also dead, useless,
it serves no purpose,
It does nothing.
James shows us that those who have a living faith, a faith that saves, will prove its existence by their works.
Imagine a brother or sister who is short of food or in need and we are unable to do a good work, even though we have the opportunity to do so.
This is faith in action.
Words that are not accompanied by acts of love towards our neighbour are of little use.
Wasn’t Rahab the prostitute also justified by her deeds when she received the messengers and sent them away by another route?
Let’s remember Rahab’s story.
It is in Joshua 2.
Rahab sincerely believed that the God of the Hebrews was the true God, before whom everyone bows the knee.
So she decided, at the risk of her life, to help the Jewish spies,
to hide them on her roof
and allow them to escape by another route.
Rahab risked her life for treachery.
And her faith was verified by her deeds.
James commands us to put our faith into practice in order to help others,
to serve God,
to be justified before men,
to make our faith perfect…
Hello everyone
Good day to you

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