My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

We’ve only come to tell ourselves this morning that this is no time to be light-hearted.
Let’s open our eyes and not walk around half asleep.
This is no laughing matter, my friends.
Some people think that because they recite two or three Bible verses they are careful,
Others think it’s because they’re in church that they’re safe,
There are also others who think that being close to the pastor guarantees success in their endeavours.
At every level, everyone is preparing their shelter as best they can.
Let’s just know that every piece of advice
every warning, every word of the Bible is not in vain.
If the Lord speaks to us of revival in this seventh month, when we must live out our evidences and multiply our testimonies
it is because he has observed how his children function,
He has seen how carelessly we manage our Christian walk and he has decided to make our task easier by warning us.
It’s crazy the way Christians sleep, pastors even are in a deep sleep relying on their studied theology, those we call our leaders sleep until they snore.
God’s work is done in sleep,
those who sing in the choir,
the monitors and the children, all are in a state of relaxation…
We see children of God who have no prayer life,
they have no relationship with God
they do not bring up their children in the fear of God,
they do not build their house on the word of God,
they are lazy, nonchalant…
This is our word for the day,
1 Peter, 5:8 – Be sober, be vigilant. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Pray to stay sober!
We have been warned…
We may be drinking the wine of distraction or the wine of activism.
The Bible only tells us that the devil will try to seduce us,
We must be vigilant and careful, let’s be careful what we put in our hearts and let’s not get carried away by the things of life.
Let’s be aware that the devil is out there,
let us not allow ourselves to be devoured.
It is those who lack vigilance, experience,
It is those who lack vigilance, experience and strength who fall prey to the wiles of the devil, those who do not know how to anticipate the enemy’s attacks and avoid his traps.
Let us be serious,
let’s be intelligent.
To live a Christian life without reading the Word of God or praying is to be on a slippery slope to the enemy’s attacks.
So let us be aware that even if we are Christians and we are not careful, the lion will devour us with our Bible in hand.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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