My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Ever since we were children, and even before that, we have been told about the coming of Jesus.
We are told to put our lives in order and to walk in the integrity and love of Christ because his return is near.
It has become a fable and many no longer believe it, many find it a fake story to keep others captive.
Some have finally calmed their hearts at the thought that it is still a long way off,
some are working to determine the time of his arrival.
All our efforts are useless since God did not want this moment to be known.
Instead of wasting our time calculating when Jesus will come, we should be watching and preparing.
So as not to be surprised, all we have to do is watch, because the Lord’s coming is certain.
This is another warning from heaven for us who are still attached to possessions: the Son of Man will come like a thief in the night.
In the story of the parable of the ten virgins, the Bible tells us that the ten virgins took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom.
They didn’t go out to do good in the world, they didn’t go out to do great works, they went out to meet the bridegroom, that was their goal.
They had taken a great initiative, but not all of them were ready.
Five were prudent and five were foolish.
Physically, there was no difference between them,
they were all virgins,
they all had lamps,
they all had the same goal.
The rest of the parable tells us that they all fell into the same lack of vigilance, because the bridegroom was late.
They all dozed off and fell asleep. What distinguishes the prudent from the foolish is something secret, hidden,
known to God,
It is that the prudent women had a supply of oil in their vessels, enough to keep their lamps burning.
The Lord, in his grace, does not allow the virgins to sleep until the moment of his arrival, so he finds them asleep; they are awakened by the midnight cry and prepare their lamps.
The foolish virgins then begin to realise their error, but alas, too late!
The Lord only accepts those who are ready; the prudent virgins are those who will enter with the bridegroom at the wedding.
It’s not on the road that we look for the oil, it’s the Holy Spirit who makes the light shine.
In Revelation, 3:3 – Remember therefore how you received and heard, and watch and repent. If you do not watch, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come upon you.
Pray to remain ready waiting for the Lord.
We are forgetful people; we tend to underestimate the testimonies that the Spirit of God lets us know about ourselves.
Let us remember only our identity in Jesus.
The word of God has the capacity to transform hearts, thoughts, minds and our whole lives.
It is the word of God that enables us to examine our hearts and put our lives in order to await the coming of the Son of Man.
Let’s be vigilant every day; the hour is coming and it’s already here.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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