My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Lord, you are the only one who can help us this time…
No matter how hard we try, our hearts will not be right.
We’ve exaggerated in our wickedness, we’re so full of false clichés that we can’t let the truth shine through.
A pure heart is a sincere heart, a heart in which there is no deceit, no hypocrisy, no falsehood…
At every level, our hearts are not honest with others.
People today no longer trust anyone.
And that’s what has killed the glory of the church, that’s what has driven away the faith of the faithful.
We are no longer safe in the house of God,
the heart of the church and its faithful is so devious that the frustrations are devastating.
We cry out to God,
we see no blessings.
We make sacrifices,
we don’t touch the obvious.
We say we live a life of consecration and sanctification,
our lives are always without the fragrance of goodness.
The Lord wants to teach us something this morning, we cannot hope for happiness and grace if our hearts do not reflect life,
if our hearts do not transmit love,
if we do not radiate true peace and joy.
It is purity of heart that guarantees the glory of God,
it’s what opens heaven, it’s always what connects us to our true identity.
An impure heart will not see the glory of God.
So what motivates our hearts?
What we have in our hearts can destroy and affect others.
God always looks at the heart, so the state of our hearts is of great importance.
Lord, change our hearts.
Give us the power to glorify you with our hearts, our actions, our intentions…
Our interior is rotten with wickedness,
by resentment,
by hatred,
by deceit…
And every day we come to adore and praise the Lord like true Christians, even to the point of kneeling down.
Our thoughts are so dark.
Don’t be surprised if we don’t see God’s hand,
that God does not hear us,
that God does not see us.
The inside of our heart must be cared for, purified…
If we want to see the glory of the Lord in our lives
let us have pure motives.
It is with a pure heart that we can save the church, society, nations, homes, families and God will be glorified.
Matthew, 5:8 – Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Fast and pray for a pure heart.
This is the word of the day that the Lord gives us.
Hello home
Good day to you

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