My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Practising integrity is also advice for the church.
The house of God today is a den of wolves and jackals.
All the mercenaries around are there,
they dress up in long robes,
they like to be greeted in the public squares and they seek the front seats in the synagogues.
Beloved, many come to the house of God seeking comfort,
they want to feel the love we say the Lord offers, some are looking for family and stability,
It’s up to the ministry to organise so that everyone finds their balance with the help of the Lord.
To be in the presence of God is to be in a state of tranquillity, harmony, peace, rest…
The proliferation of the church has facilitated the birth of many false servants who have risen up with confusion and compromise, giving words that do not come from the mouth of God.
Many operate with carnal rivalries, pride prevents us from handling conflict situations, simple disagreements, suspicions, unfair judgements… And all this causes a lot of suffering in the church.
We are no longer embarrassed to grieve the Holy Spirit,
we are no longer shocked at being an obstacle to God’s blessing.
The early church was peaceful, it was organised.
No one had a problem selling their possessions to bring to the church to help those in need,
it was all based on the true word of God,
The church was united but the Church of Jerusalem, the Christian community, was dispersed because of persecution.
Despite the upheavals, the house of the Lord lived in peace,
it persevered,
they trusted in the Lord,
nothing could induce them to dishonour spiritual principles.
So we want to say to ourselves, it’s not because events are against us,
It’s not because people are hurting us,
It’s not because our own family disowns us for our faith and persecutes us,
that we should give up and be dishonest.
May God increase our faith and may we always have the strength to come to him,
to approach the throne of grace,
to persevere in him and entrust our lives to him. Let us honour the Lord and praise him without ceasing,
let us serve him faithfully!
He will act on his side and never abandon us.
Acts, 9:31 – The church was at peace throughout all Judea, Galilee and Samaria, building itself up and walking in the fear of the Lord, and growing by the help of the Holy Spirit.
Pray for RMI
The church needs peace in order to develop. When there is peace, everyone progresses.
Let’s continue to cultivate peace around us, for the edification of our community and for the spread of the Gospel.
Hello home
Good day to you

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