My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

You are just completely complete, Lord.
You are uniquely and improbably perfect.
That is why we prostrate ourselves at your feet without hesitation,
That is why nothing can separate us from the love of God.
We are grateful for your blessings; it has pleased you, Lord, to give us a new day.
Give us to build a warrior’s character,
teach us to be disciples,
teach us to face trials,
to understand in the power of the Holy Spirit,
to influence our battles…
Give us to be aware of the traps that the enemy places in our path.
If we turn away from God’s path for even a moment, we can be hurt by one of the devil’s booby-traps.
So let’s look ahead,
let us keep our goal before our eyes, let us walk in a just and regulated way.
Let us not be distracted or tempted by the snares of the evil one.
Let us not turn away, because if we do, we can be seriously hurt.
This is a warning from the Word.
Proverbs, 4:25 – Let thine eyes look forth, and let thine eyelids be before thee.
Pray not to be turned aside in your ways.
The Lord is calling us to be vigilant.
Let us be alert children who do not let distraction keep us from blessing.
Hezekiah was a servant of God who walked according to the law of the Lord. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but at one point in his life, ingratitude and pride turned him away from the way of God.
He thought that the glory of his house was his doing.
Instead of Hezekiah speaking of the goodness and power of the Lord that had healed and saved him, he neglected this precious opportunity to bring his visitors to the house of the Lord.
Hezekiah loved words of flattery, praise and wonder. He relied on foreign ambassadors.
Hezekiah boasted and showed off his wealth, trying to impress the Babylonians.
Hezekiah was full of praise and did not give glory to God for his prosperity.
In times of trial, Hezekiah failed, because he did not praise God and give him glory.
Let us keep our eyes fixed on the one who desires all our lives to be to his glory, beloved.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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