My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

We sometimes think that the Lord is malleable,
that we can contain him,
that we can do what we want with him, or that we are his favourite children and that anything goes!
To that again, we say Okalga!
It’s when we think we’re in a safe situation that the Lord makes us understand that he’s all-powerful, and what we thought we’d protected too much there, that’s even what Dad touches to show us that our wisdom is still too limited.
So if we want to start telling the difference between right and wrong,
if we want to start making effective decisions,
The secret Yaweh gives us is to have his fear.
The fear of the Lord is respect,
it’s obedience,
submission to his discipline.
We must learn to accept God’s authority in all things.
Without the fear of the Lord, we cannot build a true relationship with God,
we will always be vulnerable, fragile worshippers.
We wanted a church with the gospel of seduction,
with pomp and ceremony.
A dead church, dry but the Lord promises to restore us, all that will change,
Let us open our hearts and walk in the presence of our God.
Many times the Lord has shown us miracles and wonders, he has shown us his faithfulness,
he has not failed to meet our every need, but every time we have had the opportunity to deny and disgrace him,
we have feasted on it.
Our rebellion and unfaithfulness separate us from God’s love and expose us to bondage.
As long as we are upright in our ways, the Lord will remain our God and we his people.
As long as we trust in the Lord and rely on him, he will be our refuge and our high refuge.
As long as the word of God is engraved in our hearts and we walk according to the law of the Lord, we will always be victorious.
2 Chronicles, 7:19 – But if you turn away, if you forsake my statutes and my commandments which I have commanded you, and go and serve other gods and worship them,
2 Chronicles 7:20 I will tear you away from my land which I have given you, and I will cast away from me this house which I have dedicated to my name, and I will make it a mockery and a derision among all peoples.
Pray that the fear of the Lord.
There are rewards for those whose fear of God is established.
He who is upright will never lack a successor,
He who is honest will reign over a stable kingdom,
He who is righteous will heed the words and commands of the Lord.
The Lord is ready to give us everything our hearts desire.
As long as we are upright, he will watch over us, but if we refuse to take the Lord as our support, we will be a disgrace to the nations.
Let’s not fall into the enemy’s traps, let’s stay connected to the frequency of the Holy Spirit.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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