My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Our daily lives are filled with too many unnecessary things.
The Lord wants us to concentrate on what is essential.
The things of the world, the riches of the earth, our prestige,
our comfort… are our preoccupations.
We prefer to put seductions first and look after our appearance rather than seek the face of God,
to meditate on the Scriptures, to let God change our hearts,
to show God’s love to our neighbours, to seek to do God’s will,
to give priority to things above…
Let’s put aside all the superfluous things that overload us, let’s get rid of our many distractions.
It’s fleeting,
it’s fleeting.
If we mind God’s business, God will mind our business.
Are we men of God?
Are we leaders?
Are we members of a community?
Are we Christians?
We wonder why we ask all these questions.
The time has come for each of us to be true to ourselves.
Our walk with Christ is light,
we think we are serving Jesus for show or to please.
Beloved, we need to understand that everyone is fighting for their salvation and it is up to us to get it right.
Many of us don’t even read our Bibles,
they only open the word of God when there is worship and prayer,
they have no roots and they want the Lord’s blessings to follow them.
Brother and sister, if we want to know glory and peace, let us attach ourselves to the source.
Are we really occupied with the things of the Lord?
Are we fully occupied?
1 Timothy, 4:15 – Concern yourself with these things, giving yourself wholly to them, so that your progress may be evident to all.
Pray to stay focused on everything that will support your Blossoming.
Paul recommended to his young colleague Timothy that he should concentrate on the things of God and not on his own interests.
Let us open our hearts and minds to the Word in order to build ourselves up,
strengthen and establish us permanently, and to enjoy all that God has made available to us in Christ.
Giving ourselves means submitting completely to the word of God.
Let the word of God influence and dominate our thoughts, our words and our actions.
We will experience progress when God’s word is the supreme authority in our lives.
Lord, keep us attached to your word because we are learning today that our prosperity will only be evident through the word.
Hello family
Good day to you

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