My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

When the Lord ushers us into a new month.
Joy overflows in our hearts, we rejoice because God’s love has found us.
Beloved, every opportunity that the Lord gives us is a reason for us to get to know him better.
Have we ever asked ourselves if we know Jesus?
Is our present knowledge the same as the one we acquired a few years ago?
More often than not, we seek God when we need him,
we turn to him when we are weakened by challenges.
Our knowledge of Jesus is to fill a void and when we have obtained our blessing, our inheritance, we forget it.
Knowing Jesus should strengthen our faith,
Knowing Jesus should enlighten us.
Heaven is tired of a type of Christian who is ignorant of the Scriptures and not well grounded in them,
workers without depth or roots who have no communion with the Holy Spirit.
And that’s the problem with today’s church, who don’t want to set their lives on rock,
who refuse to dig deep and decode the spiritual parables,
who don’t want to guard against false doctrines and be safe from the storm.
Peter warns us in 2 Peter, 3:18 – But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory, now and for ever! Amen!
Fast and pray to grow in knowledge.
Two important instructions are given, grace and knowledge.
Grace enables us to advance, to progressā€¦
grace helps us when we are powerless.
Growing in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour enables us to understand better what he expects of us, and gives us zeal to walk a path that honours him.
Will we continue to depend on Egypt or will we decide to draw closer to Jesus?
Are we going to allow the lack of knowledge to continue to disrespect us or are we going to let Jesus fill us more?
Will we continue to entrust our lives to false prophets or will we ourselves experience the glory of God and attract testimonies?
It’s up to us, Peter lets us know that it’s a decision, a choice we can sharpen to let go of the Lord’s blessings and promises.
Let’s grow, let’s evolve, let’s matureā€¦
Milk is no longer a meal we will covet,
let us aspire to solid food.
And let us gain in authority.
Hello church
Good day to you

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