My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

We have neither gold nor silver for the needy, but what we do have is the Word of God, the Gospel.
What could be more wonderful than sharing God’s love with a brother?
What could be more powerful and clearer than the bread of life?
It was because the woman with the blood loss heard about Jesus that she decided to go and meet him,
It was because someone told her that nothing is impossible for our Lord that she made an act of faith,
It was because the gospel was preached to her, which aroused her curiosity, that she is mentioned in history today.
The Bible also tells us that Bartimaeus, a blind beggar sitting by the side of the road, cried out to Jesus for mercy and healing.
He didn’t know Jesus, he just heard about him and realised that this was an opportunity not to be missed.
He couldn’t be in the right place at the right time and let the light shine through.
Bartimaeus did not let himself be intimidated by the crowd, he overcame their indifference and gave up his security to throw himself at Jesus’ feet, he was ready to lose everything to get what he wanted from Jesus.
Beloved, ignorance will not be tolerated at the judgement.
In both cases, they had the revelation of Jesus’ true identity.
And that is why we must invite each other to take evangelism seriously.
We must spread the good news of Jesus around us.
Many people are led astray because we are not fulfilling our mission.
We are ashamed to tell those around us that we are different, we hesitate to let them know that we trust the Father who worked the miracles and wonders yesterday and that we continue to wait for him.
Brothers and Sisters, the world is eagerly awaiting our manifestation and it is we who are refusing to use all the potential that the Lord has placed in us.
We all have an obligation to spread the word of God,
we do not have the right to remain silent,
We don’t have the right to leave the world in this sickly confusion.
Our responsibility is to look after our brothers and sisters, and if they are lost,
it is also our fault because we have not made disciples of all nations.
Let us think of the souls of our families, our friends, our neighbours, our colleagues…
the Lord will claim their blood from us because we have kept our mouths shut.
So it’s time to get up and start God’s work,
it’s time to move and obey.
The world needs us, our love, our help, our support, our listening… And without Jesus, we’ll never be able to encourage them to get out of the pit they’re in.
Ecclesiastes, 3:11 – He makes everything good in its time. He has also put eternity into their hearts, even though man cannot grasp the work God is doing from the beginning to the end.
Do not hesitate to help those you know by proclaiming the gospel to them.
Let us pray that the Lord will put the words in our mouths for all those people who are thirsting for divine guidance.
Let us pray that the gospel spoken will change and transform hearts,
May the word of God renew minds blinded by darkness.
May the Lord open the eyes of our hearts and restore us completely.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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