My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

Beloved, our knowledge affects the way we behave.
We sometimes like to pretend that we are in control and that nothing can escape us.
As long as the Lord does not fill us with his fullness, we will always be slaves.
Our behaviour will alienate many from our ministry and that is why Paul took the time to warn us.
What we do with the information we have received determines very clearly whether we are wise or foolish.
One day Dinah, Jacob’s daughter, was seduced and then abused by a man.
According to the law, this act was a dishonour for the whole family and although the culprit came to ask forgiveness and resolved to marry the victim, Dinah’s brothers could not digest this pill.
Jacob, the father, made an arrangement with the condemned man and implored his sons to calm down, to silence their anger, but they didn’t obey, they burnt down an entire village in revenge.
This behaviour brought a curse on their lives, and generations have suffered the consequences to this day.
When we act without thinking, the enemy also strips us of our garment of glory.
We can do things differently,
we can walk according to the Lord’s expectations and aspirations.
David had several opportunities to kill Saul but because of his knowledge of spiritual principles he did not use them.
David knew that beyond what Saul did, he was an anointed one of the Lord, a chosen one of God so he could not judge him, nor condemn him.
So David decided not to strike Saul, who also had God’s oil on his head, and to let the Lord himself protect him against Saul.
External influences and pressure can be strong, but the direction we take must be in God’s interests.
To be compatible with God’s will, we must seek God’s wisdom in each of our decisions.
These are bad times,
too many temptations,
Hence the need to tread carefully, making the most of our time and seizing every opportunity.
The more we benefit from God’s guidance, the greater our ability to discern.
Ephesians, 5:15 – Take heed therefore to behave circumspectly, not as fools but as wise;
Pray that you will behave intelligently at all times.
In the midst of all this worldly turmoil, let us be careful about our attitudes.
In all things, let us seek what God’s word tells us and let God’s instructions guide our ways.
Hello Rohi
Good day to you

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