My Month Of Delivrance! Rom10:13

For this day, thank you Dad.
For our lives, thank you Lord.
For your unfailing love, we are so grateful.
For your living word, we glorify your name.
For your faithfulness, we acclaim you.
So let’s have all the honour, Yaya.
We’ve come to celebrate you this morning.
We have come to tell you that we trust you.
We have come to lay down our burdens at your feet.
Being with you reassures us,
at every moment, you give us victory,
Every day, you give us testimonies.
We were oppressed, you rescued us from the clutches of our enemies.
We were humiliated, you took away the reproach that had covered us.
When we were rejected, you welcomed us.
Even when it was impossible in the eyes of men and in our own eyes, you still glorified yourself.
You are worthy of praise, Yaweh.
Every day, you let us know that whoever dwells with you, you dwell in him.
You have also made us understand that you answer those who call upon you.
And again this morning, we are an expression of your grace and power.
Our hearts are so grateful.
Our mouths lack strong words to express our gratitude.
That’s why we sing,
that’s why we dance,
that’s why we shout for joy.
The time for fighting is over,
The illness is gone,
Sterility has ended.
When the time is right,
what can men do?
Apart from express their feelings for the Lord like David in a song.
2 Samuel, 22:1 – David spoke the words of this song to the Lord, when the Lord had delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul.
May your deliverance cause you to sing a new song to the Lord.
When the Lord works a miracle, we have only one desire,
to tell the world that our Jesus is incredible and powerful.
When the Lord has brought us out of the lions’ den and the fiery furnace
our hearts are overflowing with joy and all we have to do is sound our lutes, our tambourines, our flutes, our stringed instruments and our chalumraux…
If we know that Jesus has done it again, let’s get up and go to his house to give him all the glory.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you

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