My Month Of Laughter! Es8:16

God’s truth can be seen in our lives, in our words, in our actions.
Can we identify with the truth of Jesus?
Can people bear witness to God’s truth in our lives?
We are used to hearing people say that everyone has their own truth,
they refuse to submit to God’s word,
they take their own opinions for truth.
For Gaius, everyone can testify to their walk with the Lord,
his life is in accordance with the revealed truth of Christ.
Gaius is appreciated for his hospitality,
his heart is full of love for the truth of Christ.
3 John, 1:4 – I have no greater joy than to learn that my children walk in the truth.
To depart from the truth is to reject gladness.
This great joy is linked to what John heard about Gaius
To be happy about everything the Lord is doing in a brother’s life is extraordinary,
we are glad to hear the positive things that come out of other children of God about brothers.
We should note here that it is John who bears witness to his brother Gaius.
Gaius does not boast about himself,
he does not praise himself.
So to learn that his children are walking in the truth of faith is an honour.
John’s joy is found not only in communion with the Lord, but also in communion with one another in the Lord.
Walking in the truth means listening to the voice of the good shepherd and following him, and this is visible.
Can we testify that we are walking in the truth?
Here is today’s question.
Good morning beloved
Good day to you

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