My Month Of Laughter! Es8:16

Lord, this morning we want to acknowledge your faithfulness.
We prostrate ourselves in gratitude for what you are doing in our lives.
We still cannot trust you completely,
We still see our difficulties as greater than your power.
We continue to be intimidated by what our eyes see, and we doubt the strength of your hand.
Even when you make a promise,
even when you guarantee our joy
we are unable to keep our faith firm.
Moses sent the twelve spies to explore Canaan.
He made sure that every tribe was represented on this mission for emotional balance.
When they returned from the journey, a report had to be made to strengthen and encourage the others about the glory the Lord wanted to do.
The Bible tells us that the envoys appreciated the Lord’s heritage,
they recognised that it is a land of blessing, but ten still had the courage to introduce doubt into people’s minds,
they were not convinced that the Lord should work this miracle.
They started complaining,
they looked at the size of the sons of Anak and preferred to remain unbelieving and prevent their brothers from possessing their possessions.
How easy it is for us to see and recognise that others are more powerful, more intelligent, more competent than we are!
How easy it is for us to underestimate ourselves in the face of trial when we have God on our side!
How many times has God made a promise in our lives and we have refused to hold on to it to see it fulfilled.
Our God is able and we don’t need to compare ourselves to others, we just need to rely on the Holy Spirit.
Colossians, 1:11 – strengthened in every way by his glorious power, so that you may always joyfully persevere and be patient.
You can count on the omnipotence of the Lord at all times.
To experience victory every day, we must be aware that we are clothed with a spirit of strength.
As long as the Lord is with us, adversity will not defeat us, so let’s hold on!
If we are to bear fruit, we must enter into two dimensions of glory.
We must be strengthened and we must also know that the power of the Lord is available.
The power of the Lord is for those who are tenacious and who wait firmly for the promise of God who comes with songs of joy.
Let us stand firm and obey the word of God.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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