My Month Of Laughter! Es8:16

Five more days and it’s the end,
It’s the end of a difficult year,
It’s the end of a trying year,
It’s the end of some nightmares,
It’s the end of misunderstandings,
It’s the end of some unfulfilled dreams,
It’s also the end of certain traumas…
Everyone is anxious to turn the page,
Everyone wants to see what the future holds,
Everyone wants to replan and rewrite their new goals.
Everyone relies on their performance, their skills, their relationships, their qualifications…
Let’s think, dream, organise and orchestrate, but let’s remember one thing: the end of something is better than its beginning.
We’ve had a bad start to the year of distinction,
We’ve spent the last few months under stress,
We haven’t yet received the laughter that will make our exit sparkle,
Let’s just know that it’s still possible to bounce back,
It’s still possible to write a story full of joy.
The only secret you and I have to do is trust in the Lord,
is not to get discouraged,
is not to get distracted,
is to trust in the Lord.
It’s to sit at the feet of Jesus to get the best part.
How many times have we sought our own means to an end?
How many times have we arranged our shortcuts to satisfy ourselves?
How many times have we thought we were behind schedule and run to the world’s solutions?
How many times have we opened the door to the enemy who has injected us with bad thoughts?
How many times have we done this?
Can we think of those times when we left our graces on street corners?
Can we imagine those times when anger and bitterness stripped us of our crown?
We want to say just one thing this morning?
Let’s trust Yaya?
There are no equals when it comes to fulfilled destinies.
There is no comparison in terms of glorious futures.
With him, confidence is perfect,
With him, the path is clear,
With him, protection is certain,
With him, heaven is open,
With him, fruitfulness is an inheritance,
With him, healing and restoration are self-evident.
With him, it’s yes and amen.
If we must close our eyes and follow him, let us do so without hesitation.
If we have to close our ears to influences, let’s go for it.
There is only one key: obedience.
Psalms, 34:6 – When we turn our eyes to him, we are radiant with joy, and our faces are not covered with shame.
Fast and pray to have blind trust in the Lord.
As long as our Jesus is our main objective, there will be no room for worry,
our hearts will be content and our faces will reflect only the state of our hearts.
We will only be an expression of God’s presence in our lives.
So we are all invited to experience this word.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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