My Month Of Laughter! Es8:16

Bye bye 2024
We bid you farewell,
You weren’t easy,
You didn’t always serve us the best food,
You didn’t always play us your best melodies,
You didn’t always respect the agreements we signed with you,
You weren’t always honest with us.
So we say goodbye to you.
We bid you farewell.
We accompany you to your final resting place,
You are taking your last steps towards your grave, where we will guard you.
You were filled with so many emotions,
You were sometimes brutal.
We also note that you gave us moments of quality, joy and happiness, but we want to let you go.
We have no problem with you, but it’s better for everyone to go their own way.
This is where we part ways.
Go and rest in peace.
The time has come to cross over to the other side.
And to move into a new dimension,
the crowd is no longer effective, we just need the disciples.
It is Jesus himself who gives the signal on a day like this to cross over to the other side.
The time has come to leave behind our old friendships that are stripping us bare,
The time has come to separate ourselves from the Lot that prevents the glory of God from shining on us.
The time has come.
And we begin a new journey where experiences will be earned,
Where we will reap where all have declared the earth barren.
There may be turbulence, but that’s part of the beauty of the story,
There may be surprises, but let’s remember that it’s just to test our faith.
Let us enter the new season with songs of joy,
Let us enter with triumph,
Let us enter with victory.
Let us enter with the Lord strong and mighty in our battles.
Isaiah 55:12 – Yes, you will go out with joy, and be led in peace; the mountains and hills will rejoice before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
The whole universe contributes to your happiness and celebrates you.
It is with joy that we leave 2024.
The Lord will usher us into the new season in peace.
All these celebrations are so beautiful.
Since when do hills and mountains react like humans?
When did the trees in the countryside cheer, dance and sing?
When the sky rejoices, the whole earth dances,
the fields rejoice, the trees shout for joy…
Let us celebrate the Almighty for his greatness and his love.
Good morning beloved
Good day to you

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