My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

To repent is to bow down,
humbling ourselves before the Lord,
it means stripping ourselves of our own superiority and self-importance and forgetting ourselves at the foot of the cross,
It means acknowledging our faults…
To repent is not just to utter words,
it’s not just letting your emotions out, it’s accepting change, it’s letting yourself be broken by the Lord.
Repentance is powerful, humiliating at times, but it is a spiritual force that opens up our heaven.
Many of us refuse to confess our mistakes,
We always want to appear blameless, yet we constantly do things that are displeasing to the Lord.
A repentant heart brings about celebrations in the kingdom,
it provokes the Lord to intervene.
We don’t need to explain or justify the things we do that grieve God,
let’s just repent.
[10/01 à 03:29] Onde: The Bible tells us in Joshua that the children of Israel committed an unfaithful act with regard to the forbidden things, and God became angry.
After this act, Israel went to war against Ai, whom they had underestimated.
Israel fled from Ai, who killed thirty-six men.
Israel was discouraged. Joshua and the elders of Israel went to humble themselves before the ark of the Lord and consult God.
God revealed the cause: the children of Israel had sinned.
They had transgressed the Lord’s covenant and if the interdict was not destroyed, God would no longer walk with Israel.
So the people had to be sanctified if God’s glory was to reappear.
In other words, the people had to acknowledge their transgressions, turn away from all evil and purify themselves from all defilement.
They had to repent.
Take time to repent and consecrate yourself to the Lord.
Leviticus, 23:29 – Anyone who does not wash on that day will be cut off from his people.
If we refuse to humble ourselves and acknowledge his imperfections
we are not worthy to be counted among the elect.
If our hearts refuse to submit to the Lord, we will be rejected from the face of God.
The Lord will simply exclude us from his kingdom.
So, beloved, let us learn to repent and consecrate ourselves.
This is what gives us access to the Most Holy Place.
Good day to you

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