My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

Making choices that benefit us is normal for all of us.
Running towards our interests is quite obvious for each person, but when the decisions are more serious,
when choosing involves a lifetime,
when the risks to be taken become more intense and we still have to move forward,
is it possible to silence all the voices that impose themselves on us?
Is it possible to abandon ourselves totally to the Lord?
Is it possible to reject every proposal that comes our way?
Submission to the Lord is no one’s friend.
Everyone expects us to follow in society’s footsteps, but God leads us down a different path.
Everyone wants us to do the right thing, the acceptable thing in their eyes, but the Lord points us in another direction.
Everyone wants us to be people tailored to their tastes, but if we don’t, we’re put off when we should be responding to God’s call.
Doing what God wants is not easy.
When God’s will takes over, it’s sometimes a shock, a trauma, but God’s will is perfect, his ways are authentic and effective.
Do we think it wasn’t a heartbreaking moment for Rebecca when God’s plan had to be put in place?
Who is the mother who wants to divide her home?
Who could choose to deliberately set fire to their family?
What woman in those days could have the courage to conspire against her husband and remain his wife?
Even for Jacob, it was no pleasure to appear before his blind father Isaac and receive the blessing that was intended for another.
Rebekah did everything she could to make God’s plan for her family work.
Did Rebekah pay the price for this sacrifice? Yes.
The criticism from the neighbourhood, the insults from the community,
the reproaches of the in-laws,
the brokenness in her home,
The bitterness and rejection that stayed with her son Esau for a long time…
She knew one thing: the One who spoke to her would do the rest,
The God before whom she submitted is her redeemer,
the Lord in whom she trusts is her refuge.
It’s better to fall on a stone and have it break you than to let it crush you.
All this to tell us that the only truth that should dwell in us is God’s truth.
Let’s learn to submit ourselves completely to God’s word.
Obey the Lord’s instructions if you want to rest.
Matthew, 11:29 – Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Pray that you will submit more to the Lord.
If we want to enjoy prosperity, we must trust in the Lord.
Walking with the Lord is a burden that is not pleasant.
That is why we must have discipline.
Submitting totally to God is not the easy way, but to live in peace and security, let’s ask Yaweh to teach us by his Spirit so that we learn only from him.
Hello there
Good day to you

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