My Month Of Strengthening! Ps125:1

A new day,
A new month,
New promises,
New testimonies…
Who is like you, oh Yaweh?
Among the gods, who is like you?
Magnificent in holiness, worthy of praise.
You are our God, strong and powerful.
You are our King, great in faithfulness
You are our Father, benevolent and full of goodness.
You are our lover, we will always say your blessings aloud.
Your presence is punctilious,
your word is yes and amen.
We celebrate you, Yaya.
We glorify you, Holy Spirit.
You always exceed our expectations,
You never cease to amaze us every time, you are unfathomable.
Thank you Jesus for your greatness.
February 2025 is here, we’re as if in a dream, you’ve done great things for us, we’re overjoyed.
In this month we will finish fasting and praying.
In this month, love will be intense,
In this month, the Lord promises us strength, reinforcement, stability, improvement…
Let the weak say they are strong.
Let the poor say they are rich.
The Lord goes around and wants each of us to have a foothold in our spiritual life.
We are discouraged, afflicted, weakened, depressed, downcast, tired, cold…
Let us rise up in this season, our light is coming.
The Lord is at work, he wants to rebuild on the old breaches.
He wants to rebuild our image.
God is able to give us strength in a way that the world does not know and give.
Let us not be like those foolish people who look for ephemeral strength that will let them down every time they really need it.
Beloved, we must be aware of the dangers we face every day and root ourselves, build ourselves up in Christ.
Welcome to our month, our month of strengthening.
Strengthening means growth, rest, remaining in daily contact with the word of God, meditation or even Bible reading.
Psalms, 125:1 – Song of Degrees. Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion: it will not be moved, it will stand firm forever.
In Mount Zion, there is stability, God’s protection that envelops the people, solidity, firmness.
In our battles, God always shares his victory with us.
Just as the mountains surround and protect Jerusalem, the Lord surrounds and protects his people with his presence.
So let us bless the Lord for this genuine security,
Let us lift up his holy name for this firm assurance.
Psalms, 40:2 – I set my hope on the Lord, and he inclined to me, and heard my cry.
Psalms, 40:3 – He has taken me out of the pit of destruction, out of the depths of the mire; He has set my feet on the rock, He has established my steps.
Blessed be the Lord, who delights to strengthen you.
When our trust is handcuffed to the Lord, he rescues us and will never abandon us.
Even when we are in difficult situations, he is reassured that we will be healed and established.
This time of year, to be truly strengthened, let’s stay away from distraction and focus more on spiritual discipline.
Happy month
Have a good day

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