My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

We spend most of our time saying that we love so and so,
we appreciate the other, we’re delighted for so-and-so, but how often have we shown the love we say we have for them?
How often have we honoured and valued them without expecting anything?
Beloved, God is love and invites us to copy him.
The Lord has loved us despite our betrayal and rejection,
he is always ready to receive us and help us.
But what about us? What do we do with our neighbours, especially if we disagree?
We are aggressive, contemptuous…
Even among ourselves, Christians, couples, churches… too many rifts, and all in the name of God.
We show so little love, we are quicker to reproach, criticise and judge…
We are more ungrateful, more superficial and less and less serious about God’s work.
It is always a lack of love not to be aware of the needs of others or to ignore them.
We are too focused on ourselves and what matters to us is amassing our riches and forgetting true values.
Let’s not let the smell of hatred destroy us and uproot us from the source.
We are made in God’s image and we are channels through which he passes on his love.
Let’s make time for others,
Let’s make sincere gestures with gentle, kind words.
1 John, 3:11 – For this is what was spoken to you and what you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another,
Pray to keep God’s commandment and spread his love.
It all began with love,
that’s what we were taught,
It’s engraved in our hearts and it’s up to us to let it grow.
Let’s share it with others and, above all, let love be our goal this day.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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