My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Zacchaeus was a chief publican,
He was a tax collector and was considered dishonest.
He was not liked by his public,
he plundered his people to enrich himself and he had a bad reputation.
No one approached him, no one liked him.
He may have had his riches, but he wasn’t loved.
One day, he heard about Jesus, and being small in stature, he climbed a tree to make it easier for himself to see.
Jesus found him and said to him: Zacchaeus, come down quickly; today I must go and stay in your house.
It was necessary for the Lord to stay with Zacchaeus; it was an emergency.
Zacchaeus was an unbeliever who did not know the Lord,
he had put his hope in his possessions,
All he knew how to do was rob others to get rich, so he needed to have a spiritual life and that’s what Jesus could and wanted to offer him.
Jesus was aware that Zacchaeus was despised by people because of his job,
He knew that this collector was not acquiring his money properly, but he did not reproach him,
So he knew that entering into his life would change his history and his destiny.
Zacchaeus was also accessible,
he opened his heart,
He let the Lord into his life and into his home.
Zacchaeus allowed the Lord to transform him and enable him to see with loving eyes.
Beloved, God’s love is infinite, free and unconditional,
it does not judge,
it does not condemn,
He simply loves.
The Bible tells us that the Pharisees, those who were called pious people at the time, expressed their indignation because we must not mix with what is impure and unclean and Jesus knew it.
All this to say that having wealth unjustly causes cursing and rejection.
It puts us in situations of discomfort and insecurity.
It prevents us from being loyal and humble.
Proverbs, 10:2 – The treasures of wickedness do not profit, But righteousness delivers from death.
Pray that you do not acquire wealth through injustice.
Ill-gotten possessions don’t help us,
we are not fulfilled with what we have not received with integrity.
Yet when we walk uprightly and do things according to God’s principles, we have life and blessings are our portion.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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