My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Rohi ministers international, we are a ministry and not just any ministry.
We have great potential,
we have an alliance of longevity,
we have a special grace,
we have the presence of God, but we don’t pray,
we are a stiff-necked people,
we are still seduced by sight,
we are religious and we want to remain children on whom the father cannot rely.
Our irresponsibility prevents the Lord from entrusting us with great things.
How can we grow and become men of experience if we don’t let the Lord build us up?
How can we savour the things above if we want to remain superficial, without depth…?
It’s time to get up and go into the secret.
Our ministry is not our house, but it is up to us to take care of it,
Our assembly is not a financial meeting, but it is up to us to organise so that our altar is not in want.
When our place of worship is in harmony with the Lord,
when we know how to let Jesus in,
many things become clear.
Our ministry has a vision,
we are the good shepherds,
we are to reach out to those in need.
That is our divine plan.
But do we do it?
Do we offer our Jesus and our time to the needy?
Do we have the courage to share our daily bread with the poor?
Are we the bearers of love?
Is our ministry a source of blessing for many?
Pray for RMI
James, 1:27 – Pure and undefiled religion before God our Father is to visit orphans and widows in their afflictions, and to keep oneself from the defilements of the world.
We may say that we serve Jesus, but in order to qualify, Yaweh tells us about the demands of ministry.
A church without love is not his church,
if we can’t take care of these needy people who have no resources and no strength,
we will be exactly like people influenced by the laws of the world.
It is up to us to make the difference,
it’s up to us to espouse the Father’s will so that we can draw others into the house.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all–w8VbQB0Tfl_E3

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