My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Let’s remember to pray for our anointed ones.
They are our parents,
they take care of us.
They expect us to love and care for them.
We think they have no problems,
we think they can solve everything, but sometimes they need a shoulder to listen to…
It’s Sunday, the day of worship.
Have we handed over the week of God’s people to the Lord?
Can we imagine the blows they take for us?
The criticism they take from us?
The mockery they receive from those around them?
It’s true that we are at their expense,
It’s always true that they will give an account of us to the Lord, but we should know that we don’t just have rights, we also have duties.
We ignore them,
We demand what pleases us and what suits us, but we also refuse to take responsibility.
As soon as our heroes disagree with our opinions,
we’re the ones who shun them,
We are always the ones who despise them.
In any case, we are in no position to point the finger at the Lord’s ministers.
We have no power to overthrow the authority that God himself has established.
That’s why the only advice that suits us is to pray for your pastors.
Romans, 14:4 – Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? Whether he stands or falls is his master`s business. But he will stand, because the Lord has power to make him strong.
To judge a servant is to practice justice,
it means taking God’s place,
it is to set oneself up as superior,
it is putting the man of God in the dock and passing judgement.
What do we care if our leaders are weak or vulnerable?
It’s up to God to do them good and get them out of the pit.
Everyone is accountable to themselves.
So judging is not our business, but God’s.
Instead of judging our servants
let us pray for them,
help them get back on their feet, encourage them…
And the Lord will be glorified.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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