My Month Of Accountability ! Luke16:10

After warning us not to lose sight of the fact that we are sentinels,
you still warn us to take care of our brothers and sisters.
Truly Lord, you sometimes make us feel insecure,
with you, we have to make acts of faith every day.
So we have a responsibility to look after the needy but LORD, these needy people in our ministries who only walk with their problems,
those on welfare who are eternally dissatisfied,
those destitute who do nothing to take up the slack of generosity…
They are sometimes ungrateful, ungrateful, proud, and as your servants, we are sometimes bruised by certain attitudes.
But your word is a lamp to our feet,
we must obey your instructions and keep our emotions quiet.
The widow of Serepta understood the lesson well; she understood that she had to share her bread with Elijah who was in need.
The prophet came on the Lord’s recommendation, but the woman from Serepta also needed to be mature enough to understand that God’s love also means fellowship.
Famine had taken over the city,
she saw people dying,
she saw drought and barrenness invade the land.
She knew she was already at the end of her days when Elijah came to her.
What surprises us in the story is that Elijah takes no account of the context in which he finds himself; he arrives and imposes himself.
Serepta’s widow complains about his lack of help, but the prophet is not interested.
One might think that the prophet is ungrateful,
He takes advantage of his stature to intimidate the lady who is counting her time.
What interests us here is that the mother was a child of God,
she was before a servant
She knew that to take care of a man of God is to take care of God. She knew that taking care of a weak person meant lending to God, who was bound to reward her at some point in her life.
She did not curse and she contributed to the well-being of her neighbour.
It is an anointed one of the Lord that we have taken as an example, but it could be anyone, and for as long as it is possible,
let’s help our brothers,
talk to them about the word of God,
take care of them, give them our time,
let us contribute to their development.
Galatians, 6:1 – Brothers, if a man is caught in any wrongdoing, you who are spiritual should correct him in a spirit of gentleness. Take care of yourself, lest you also be tempted.
Pray and care for your brothers and sisters in the faith.
Our role is not to criticise, condemn or judge, but to support, help, guide and rescue…
Let’s be careful not to copy the bad example, and that’s why we need to be constantly connected to the throne of grace.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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