My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

We have all filled the churches because our problems have overtaken us.
Some are there to try and make up for their former lives of luxury,
Others are fleeing the misery and witchcraft that surrounds them,
still others are struggling with an incurable disease that is eating away at them…
Many have an interest, many are watching the miracle, and some are quietly waiting for the day of the visitation, like at the pool of Bethesda.
There has to be a reason to put oneself at God’s service,
We need an excuse to pay attention to God’s love.
What we need to know as children of God is that we all have a mission that the Lord has assigned to us.
We are not on earth to show off our material possessions or to show how we are more talented or more beautiful than others.
We are here first and foremost to fulfil a destiny.
We are so focused on ourselves that most of us don’t know what we are called to do,
We live our lives like people devoid of all meaning, with the aim of pleasing the world and satisfying our egos.
All this is to feed our flesh,
all for the glory of the world.
The question that interests us this morning is how many souls have we led to the Lord?
What do we do with all those in need who suffer around us?
What actions have we taken to ensure that the word of God germinates in the hearts of the needy?
If we cannot show a single soul that we have followed and built, let us know this morning that we have not yet begun the mission.
Have we told one person about our Jesus and the Holy Spirit hasn’t done his part?
Have we become discouraged after a few attempts at evangelism?
The Lord will claim the blood of those we neglect, Okalga!!!!
Samson was born for a mission,
he had the call of God in his life,
he had the Lord’s oil on his head,
he was to begin the deliverance of the people of Israel, that was his part.
As he walked, the Lord himself opened a door to connect Samson to his destiny,
to bring him closer to the Philistines, but our hero allowed himself to be distracted.
Samson became attached to the wrong seed and his vision was taken away.
At one point in his life, Samson was living for Delilah, celebrating his victories in her lap instead of shouting for the throne of glory.
The Bible tells us that when he realised that God’s spirit had left him on the road, he repented and the Lord gave him another opportunity to prove to everyone that his God is powerful and faithful.
All this to say something we all need to understand in Matthew, 24:14 – This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a witness to all nations. Then the end will come.
Fulfill the divine mission as much as you can!
The good news of the kingdom is the word of God.
It’s not just for the elite, we all need to get to work, respond to Christ’s call and believe in the gospel of the kingdom.
And the word of God that must be preached and that must come before the end of time must awaken the children of God.
Until each one of us embraces the mission,
until we embrace the divine vision,
until we submit to the authoritative voice,
until the nations bow down,
until tongues confess,
the end will not come soon.
The gospel must resound in the villages,
the sound of triumph must reverberate in the fields, the songs of joy must vibrate in space,
the name of Jesus must be lifted up in every heart…
And that’s when the Lord will be satisfied, because many will have returned to him.
So let’s do our bit.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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