My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

We are still in the middle of the month of revival and we are already half way through the season.
We can see that the Lord has been encouraging us all along,
he motivates us,
he warns us because he loves us,
He knows exactly what our challenges are tomorrow,
he knows that many of us will not be able to stand up to the splashes of the enemy,
many of us will fall to our knees if we don’t anticipate.
But let’s be clear: it’s up to us to decide what our future will be like.
Having come half way, the Lord wants to know “how is our prayer life going?
Let’s not even try to say that it’s too early to take stock,
let’s not even try to think that it’s none of his business…
It’s a question we have to answer.
Many Christians hate times of prayer,
They are the first to show off their spiritual lukewarmness and to complain of tiredness.
Some even refuse to seize the opportunities given to them to pray and recharge their batteries effectively.
And these are the champions who come running to weary us with their problems and their need for prayer…
Beloved, you have to learn to pray, even Jesus’ disciples asked him to.
So let us know that it is the fervent prayer of the righteous that qualifies him,
It is the one who is steadfast and consistent who puts the enemy to shame.
Even Jesus was surprised to find that his disciples,
those who were close to him,
those who are supposed to copy his good example, are the ones who mark time in depth.
They sleep when they should be watching and praying,
they don’t know the importance of prayer, their hearts are hardened or they simply neglect it.
Jesus couldn’t help showing his disappointment after several attempts at revival.
Jesus wants intercessors,
people who are in the tower and watching,
he wants Christians who are at their posts to intercept the devil’s missiles.
Mark, 14:37 – Then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “Simon, you are asleep. You have not been able to stay awake for an hour!
Pray the ability to hold prayer vigils.
Like Peter, we are asleep,
we are not aware of the dangers that lie ahead,
we are not on the alert.
In any case, the Lord is asking us very clearly to keep an hour’s vigil with him to read our Bibles,
he wants us to give him an hour of our time in his presence…
He wants to teach us,
he has many things to communicate and pass on to us,
he wants to share his riches with us…
Friends, let’s not leave him alone to watch over us…
Let’s not leave our seats empty at his table…
He’s not asking us to do much, it’s just an hour.
And it’s now, not when we’re old,
it’s not when we’ve finished amassing treasure that we’re going to serve him.
It’s now,
right now, tomorrow may be late…
Let’s not miss the opportunity to be vigilant in serving him in our lives, in our assemblies, in evangelisation…
Beloved, A good hearer, fall in line!!!
Hello home
Good day

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