My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

There are many of us who believe that we are religious and yet worship God in vain, useless, empty, sterile, impotent…
Pure religion demands and commands care for orphans and widows in their tribulation.
True worship consists of caring for the faithful who may need help on a material level.
James, 1:27 – Pure and undefiled religion before God our Father is to visit orphans and widows in their afflictions, and to keep oneself from the defilements of the world.
Pray to practice true religion, according to the divine model.
Beloved in the Lord, this text from James shows us that love cannot simply be said or written, but must be manifested: by a gesture, an act…
James reveals love of neighbour and love of God.
Visiting orphans and widows in their afflictions is an act of love towards them.
Only love of neighbour can drive us to come to the aid of others.
True religion is not just talk.
We must live and love as Jesus Christ did.
God has always called his people to care for the widow and the orphan, and he challenges us to offer real help to those who are forgotten, neglected and strangers.
As followers of Jesus, we must care for others while remaining holy to God.
Lord, give us eyes to see the people who need your blessing.
Please lead us to the people in our church and the people in our neighbourhoods, workplaces and schools who feel forgotten and neglected.
Help us not only to see them, but to include them so they can know your love for them.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you

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