My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Another day you’ve given us, you’re wonderful.
Our hearts bow down to you again today to say thank you, Lord.
We need your grace, Father, to do well the things you have set before us.
We need you to renew our thoughts at every moment.
Like the people of Israel, we are rebellious and unfaithful to your ways.
We do not know how to honour the greatness of your name.
You have loved us, you have chosen us, but we continue to be ungrateful,
You have performed miracles and wonders among us, but we have always failed to call upon your name.
We have not hesitated to display our impurities,
we have built high places for idols, we have forsaken your ways,
we have profaned your sanctuary,
we have burnt incense on the altars.
Lord, we have come to ask for your mercy this morning; we have forgotten that you brought us out of Egypt to eat the fruit and the best of the land, but we have defiled our inheritance with our abominations.
We no longer remember your goodness,
our hearts are far from you, and our land is full of drought,
our land is dry and barren,
the shadow of death dwells in our midst.
At every level, we are unfaithful and we want to learn to pray and humble ourselves for our land.
Help our people to clear their hearts again so that your anger does not erupt,
help us to circumcise our hearts to extinguish the wickedness of our actions.
We are inclined towards evil,
our ways are filthy and perverse,
our lives are empty and without witness.
Lord, bring us back to your word and let your glory shine in our lives.
Ezekiel, 38:23 – I will show my greatness and my holiness; I will make myself known in the eyes of the multitude of nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD.
Pray for your Nation.
Beloved, the Lord is always ready to show himself,
he always wants to do us good,
his arms are always open to welcome us.
Others must know that at the mention of his name
the blind see,
the deaf hear,
tongues bow,
the knees bow, and glory is open to all.
Let us pray to be a faithful and upright people.
Our happiness depends on our following the laws of the Lord.
Our restoration depends on our integrity.
Let us return to the Lord so that we can tell of his works.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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