My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

We refer to the blossoming as the new birth.
Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman will turn his life upside down and reconcile two opposing worlds.
Jews and Samaritans have nothing in common.
Jesus is sitting on the edge of the well and the Samaritan woman has come to draw water at a hot time of day.
A dialogue begins, then a conversation that becomes a conversion.
The Samaritan woman had come to find water, and therefore life, in the bowels of the earth by her own efforts.
Like her, we spend most of our time looking for anything ephemeral and vain to quench our thirst.
Yet our Lord is there to offer us living water that changes everything, a source that will never run dry and that will keep us in rest and grace.
It is free and offers a new perspective on life, a future.
The Samaritan woman gave up everything to concentrate on her ministry and the work of God.
Beloved, the Lord God calls us to a life of spiritual growth and deep knowledge of him.
We must grow in the knowledge of this God whom we love to serve.
It is important for us to develop our knowledge of our God by listening to and reading the Word.
The Samaritan woman was prejudiced and the Lord saw her ignorance.
Anyone who knows God, who he is and what he is capable of doing can no longer function like everyone else. This knowledge of God gives us peace and the strength to continue to follow him.
It does not take away our difficulties, but it reassures us of God’s presence and intervention in our difficulties.
The Samaritan woman spoke with the Lord Jesus Christ and her knowledge of the person in front of her gradually changed.
The more we are exposed to who God is, the more we have no choice but to discover his marvellous heart of love.
And when we discover God’s heart, we cling to it forever. Let’s learn to dwell in God’s presence.
Because reading or listening to the Word always leads to an intimate knowledge through a life of constant and stable prayer.
2 Peter, 3:18 – But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory, now and for ever. Amen!
Pray to grow admirably in the knowledge of the Lord.
It is always very important to seek to be like Christ, and to grow in the things of God.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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