My Month of Blooming! Es54:2

If some countries have decided to stop for a day to be grateful to the Lord, we need to understand the power of thanksgiving.
With capitalism continuing to dominate the world
people have allowed themselves to pause and give thanks for God’s greatness,
we all have an interest, as children of God, in revisiting our attitude.
We play around with gratitude because we are ungrateful,
we think it’s an obligation, a right…
We think that others are obliged to do us good.
It is easier to celebrate a relative or friend who has helped us than to lift up the name of the Lord.
We find that what we have comes from our efforts or our relationships and we soon forget that it is God who makes the way easy for us to rejoice.
Paul and Silas were arrested and thrown into prison because of the gospel.
In this arrest, there is no complaint, no murmuring, no anxiety.
They know that God is faithful and they trust in the Lord.
Instead of feeling sorry for themselves, they began to sing and praise God in their dungeon.
They know that the God they serve neither slumbers nor sleeps.
They do not wait for any man to intervene,
they do not hope for human favour.
So they trust in Yaweh and bless his name for his love.
The Bible tells us that it was in this state of gratitude that heaven sent an angel to deliver them.
Also, when the ten lepers were healed, Jesus ordered them to go and show themselves to the priest so that he could testify to their healing.
Only one, who didn’t even know spiritual principles, came back to throw himself at the Lord’s feet as a sign of gratitude.
And it was he who was not only healed but also restored.
Beloved, gratitude transforms us and changes our history.
Gratitude is a state of mind.
We must be grateful for what Jesus does in our lives.
He gives us life, he gives us food…
He is always ready to give us his mercy and his peace.
In every circumstance, we must give thanks to him.
Have we blessed the name of the Lord for the children he has given us?
Have we thanked him for our finances?
Have we been thankful for provision?
Even for our body in which Jesus dwells, have we said thank you for that.
Have we been thankful for the Lord who has made us the apple of his eye?
Unique and authentic people?
1 Corinthians, 6:19 – Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you received from God, and that you do not belong to yourselves?
Pray to remain indebted to the Lord whatever your achievemnts.
We are a home for the spirit of God.
So we must treat our bodies with respect,
we must keep our spirit pure.
We are a dwelling place for God to offer him our worship and to live a life of consecration and sanctification.
We cannot do what we want with our bodies because on the last day we will be called to account.
Let us bless the Lord for all that is necessary for us,
He has made us stewards, servants and workers, and he is the master who shapes the vessels that we are.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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