My Month Of Restoration ! Ps23:3

When the Lord’s instruction this morning speaks to us of assisting the needy, we are surprised because we ourselves no longer know what to do to take care of ourselves.
Who is the needy?
He is the one who does not know Jesus,
It’s a lost sheep that needs direction,
He is a person in need,
He’s an orphan who needs attention
He is a homeless person who needs a refuge.
Faced with this type of person, how do we behave?
Do we look down on them?
Are you rejecting?
The truth is, nobody ever likes to surround themselves with bad vibes,
nobody likes to deal with people of a certain class if not to exploit them.
Bartimaeus, a mandator, a blind man was sitting on the edge, he cared no one, no one cared for him, he was abandoned to him, no attention, no love until Jesus passed by.
Bartimaeus knew he needed help, he had heard of Jesus, he knew that nothing could separate him from the love of Jesus.
So he took the initiative to call Jesus and at his insistence, under the challenges of Men who wanted to see him in the same position, God revealed himself to him.
Beloved, the Lord does not want us to be perfect or rich, he wants us to invite him, he wants us to recognize that we are weak, he wants us to open the door for him to restore us.
Being needy is not a crime, we are all needy at our own level.
Let’s stop spitting on other people’s cases,
Let us stop judging and criticizing what we do not know and let ourselves be led because of the love of Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross.
Job, 20:19 – For he oppressed and forsaken the poor, He has ruined houses and has not restored them.
Fast and pray never to deny assistance to the needy.
The love of the world and its riches are in the heart of the wicked.
The villain loves evil and is always looking to acquire illegal goods.
He keeps the needy in a slave situation, he does not take care of the one in need of help, he recovers what little the poor have, he strips the weak and leaves him in a position of mandicity.
This is what Zacchaeus did for a long time, he imposed additional taxes on the people that he collected.
He grew rich and left the people in suffering, all he cared about were their interests, their riches, their reputation until Jesus came into their house and taught them love of neighbor and the sharing.
Do not refuse our help,
do good, obey divine instructions, and the Lord will restore us because of the disposition of our hearts.
Hello family
Have a good day

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