My Month Of Attraction! Pr18:21

Everyone has their truth.
The truth is what we think we know, it’s our knowledge, it’s our way of seeing things, it’s our arguments.
Men have appointed judges to lay bare the truth.
Can we really know the truth?
It is relative, it varies, but Jesus told us what is meant by truth.
We must be able to examine the scriptures to know what truth we need.
God is the source of truth, Jesus personalized the truth, he declared that he is the way, the truth and the life.
Many thought that science revealed the truth to us, we said to ourselves that scientists have the truth.
It is not enough only to know the truth, but to live it and walk in the truth.
There are many of us who are skeptical and no longer believe in the truth, we reject it and the world is confused, alone, without a shepherd.
The Bible which is the truth informs us that the Lord is our Shepherd, we will not want anything, it is he who leads us, who directs us. We listen to his voice and we follow him.
To be saved, we need the truth of Jesus.
Job, 33: 3 – It is with righteousness of heart that I will speak; Pure truth will be expressed by my lips:
Let the truth lead you always.
Lips can be full of venom or turn out to be full of life, they can set a forest on fire, they can spread misfortune, they can mar an entire body.
We must therefore say to show wisdom in watching them.
Job wants to speak the truth, he doesn’t want to distort the truth, he wants to be honest and fair, he wants to open his heart to God because he fears him.
No matter what our trials are, let’s stand up for the truth, talk about the truth, speak the truth no matter where we are.
Jesus encourages us to declare only blessings, let it be only life that comes out of our mouths.
Help us father, we only want to obey you and give only good testimonies.
Good day

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