My Month Of Perseverance! Matt24:13

This is simply what the Lord wants to give us this week: *peace*
We don’t know how to pay the rent?
We are at the crossroads ?
We suffer from diseases?
Are our relationships complicated?
God wants us to be at perfect peace.
What do we mean by peace?
*Peace,* is well-being, safety, tranquility, tranquility, calm, it is a complete state.
Why do we still worry when Jesus promises us his peace?
If we ever stumble again, if we still vacillate between righteousness and sin, if ever we still walk around with worried eyes, we can assure ourselves right away that we will fall brutally.
So, let’s be connected to the frequency of the Holy Spirit, he communicates his peace to those who depend on him, to those who rely on him, to those who focus their thoughts on him, to those who confide in him.
It’s a call, an alarm bell for a season like this, where foodstuffs are on the rise, where activities are wavering, where discouragement is sharp, and above all where levity has penetrated morals.
Are we going to respond to this call to stand firm and surrender ourselves totally to Jesus?
God loves us, he wants to grant us the ability to raise our eyes to heaven and divert them from our limitations.
Isaiah, 26:3 – To him who is firm in his feelings You assure peace, peace, Because he trusts in you.
Pray not to waver.
This passage is for those who do not weaken at the slightest opportunity, it is for the warriors, the victors, those who do not flinch before baals, who do not go where the wind takes them.
Here is the challenge that is issued, we must all meet it to walk rightly with God.
And we will be rewarded with true peace.
Let’s make the decision and stabilize our convictions.
The Lord will give us his peace.
Thank you for this word.
You are the only one who deserves the honor and the glory, Dad.
hello to us
Have a good day

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