My Month Of Opportunity! Eccl9 :11

We celebrate you Father,
We adore you, Dad
Anytime you do us good
Every second, you rock us with your grace,
We acclaim you,
We adore you,
We lift you up
We magnify you
We give you all the glory,
We just want to tell you this morning that we love you,
You are our strength
You are our majesty
You are our redeemer
We count on you,
We came to throw ourselves at your feet to be our best friend,
We thank you, Father.
We say you rule our lives,
We say you rule our circumstances.
Blessed be your name.
Psalms, 119:164 – Seven times a day I praise you, because of the laws of your justice.
Celebrate the Lord as much as you can!
Seven represents perfection, accomplishment.
The psalmist says that he celebrates God perfectly, he puts his whole heart at the disposal of the Lord, he manifests his faith on a daily basis, he proclaims the benefits of God in his life.
Let’s say thank you to God this morning for all he has done for us.
hello to us
Have a good day

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