My Month Of Impact! Mt5:16

The bible says that gold and silver belong to God. We are just managers of the riches that God gives us. Have we ever wondered how God would want us to use our money? No doubt by showing generosity. Let us be ready to help those who are in need, let us be able to give generously to support the gospel, to share with others what God has given us. Who are our hearts attached to? There are many whose money has embezzled and destroyed, they pursue the glory of the world, they pride themselves, they despise others and feel superior. They forgot that being rich on earth is different than being with God. They don’t know that there is nothing better than the opportunity to be able to do good. * Doing good * is a manifestation of faith in Christ, it is a fruit of love, it is a guarantee of prosperity. The bible says in 1 Timothy, 6:18 – Command them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous, to be generous, Teach others how to do good by being an example. Paul encourages us to share with our neighbor. Paul gives this recommendation because he observed that we men will always run to fleeting, vain things. We are focused on raising nice cars, lots, nice houses, having a lot of money. Our hearts are diverted from spiritual realities, we are in an environment that prevents us from entrusting ourselves to lasting riches. Let us not waste our material resources under the influences of the flesh, use them for the service of God and for our neighbor and we will be rich for God. It is still possible to invest in the heavens. It is because Tabitha was a woman devoted to good works and alms that Peter was able to have the grace to resuscitate her. It is because King Hezekiah reminded the Lord of good deeds on earth that he still lived fifteen more, It was because of Cornelius’ good deeds that the hand of God seized him. Paul invites us to fight for victory, to have the crown of the price of good works, the reward of our merits. Let us not be discouraged, the seed is a guarantee of life. Everything depends on us, we are not of the race of unbelievers, nor of the unconscious, we are heirs of the promise of the Father. So, let’s position ourselves and be pride in the high places. Hello everyone Have a good day

Onde D.

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