My Month Of Benevolence ! Jn15 :12

When we take an interest in a star, we are passionate about her, we know every detail about her, we are her fans, we want to be like her, we defend her even when she does not know us.
Our relationship with this celebrity is one-sided, we admire him, we appreciate him, we pride himself, that’s all.
All of these people we cheer for have no spiritual value, they just sell the dream, the hints, they trick us into corrupting our true nature and sometimes confuse us.
Do we know what it means to know someone?
It is to be in relation, in intimacy with this person.
The Bible says Jesus stands at the door of our hearts, he knocks, he wants to make himself known, he wants to share our world, he wants to participate in our daily life.
Jeremiah, 9:24 – But let him that wishes to boast boast that he has understanding and knowing me, that he knows that I am the LORD, who exercises righteousness, and justice, and righteousness in the earth; For this is what I take pleasure in, says the Lord.
Bless the Lord for making himself known you.
The Lord has given us the opportunity to boast in him but we are ashamed of him and that is why we always want to appear.
Knowing the big names of the actors does not save any disease, any difficulty in life but when we know Jesus, everything is accomplished and it helps us.
Living a relationship with Jesus ensures us happiness and eternal life.
We are so proud to know a lot of things yet it is not worth it, do not be superior to others because we are strong or rich, it can end, it can end, we can go bankrupt, we can even to die are ephemeral things.
Let us first seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and so we can be proud to know the living God.
The Lord is faithful, he never fails, his riches endure forever.
To know God is to accept his wisdom, it is to glorify oneself.
We are so fragile, so vulnerable that it would be a big disappointment to have spent our time running for uselessness.
Let us cherish the word of God,
Cherish God,
His word is powerful, it is strong,
she’s alive.
She keeps us at the foot of the cross and resource us.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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