My Month Of Restoration ! Ps23:3

A cousin despised us and humiliated us because we made an offer to her,
An aunt we lived with used to turn off the water when we were washing,
A friend we trusted stole a project we were working on,
Our uncle’s wife did not feed us and prevent us from going to school,
We lived in a house where we were mistreated because we were orphans,
Our mother’s family rejected us, no one took care of us when our mother passed away,
We loved each other, we had children but he abandoned us,
Our best friend betrayed us, he married us the one who was our fiancé …
The list is long and even very long, but imagine how many hearts are broken?
How many people have open wounds?
How many are we whose minds are sick?
How many of us are unable to heal and heal our wounds?
How many are we who fight with forgiveness?
This is what it is, * forgiveness *.
Do we have a heart of forgiveness?
We will certainly say that we have forgiven but we have not forgotten.
Forgiveness is a problem in our lives,
We can’t do it, it’s hard, it’s too hard, it hurts too much but we have to do it, we have to evacuate, we have to free ourselves, we have to forgive and forgive ourselves, we have to give access to the Lord to restore us.
Do we sometimes think of Jesus’ forgiveness for us?
What we reproach others is exactly what we did to Jesus, it was the same slaps he received from us but he forgave us, he gave his life for you and me, he gave carried our infirmities and curses, he traded his standing for ours, he was guilty for us.
If Jesus, beyond all this, succeeded in finding a place in his heart to erase all the hatred, the grudges, the bitterness, who are we so as not to submit to the law of forgiveness.
We do not say that offenses are easy to swallow pills, we do not condone disappointments and manipulations, it is not a matter of being right or wrong but we want to show here what the word of God tells us .
The Lord tells us to forgive seventy-seven times a day, he who is aware of human daring, the vulnerability of each other, the delicacy of some, the lack of breaking for many, he speaks to us of the principle detachment, freedom, forgiveness, love.
Lord, we love you but we blame a brother so much,
Lord, help, but we are not reaching out to a person who has saddened us.
Lord, do not abandon ourselves but we no longer want to deal with our beautiful family for multiple misunderstandings.
Forgiveness is within our reach this morning, if only we could take it and become free and whole people, victory will come to Jesus.
In any case, the Lord wants to break the yoke of our heads, he wants to break the chains and deposit the light of life in our hearts.
Mark, 11:26 – But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive you your trespasses.
Fast and pray to forgive whosoever offend you.
Let us know that there is a rule, if we want to stay attached, if we want to continue to feed our sorrows, if we do not refuse to release people from our hearts, one thing is at least clear to all, do not also expect that the Father will forgive us.
What is best for us?
It is certainly not that the Lord does not forgive us, we have everything to lose if Jesus is not in our boat.
Our criminal record is too heavy that without the forgiveness of the Lord, we will have no chance of getting out of it.
To refuse to forgive is to reject the love and salvation of Christ.
This morning, each of us will take a test of forgiveness, it is up to us to ask the Holy Spirit for help.
Hello people of God
Have a good day

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