My Month Of Radiancy! Job17:11

Lord, we need wisdom.
We think that we are smart, we think that nothing is escaping us, we think that we manage certain things with the hand yet many times, we were wrong, we believed that we were in control but alas …
How many times have we built on sand?
How many times have we believed that our foundations were solid?
How many times the lack of wisdom has destroyed everything around us.
How many times have we trusted human wisdom?
The Bible warns us that the wise woman builds her house, which means that to build, to have stability, to be at rest, we need wisdom.
We believe that being successful in family life is only being very spiritual, but it is also common sense, intelligence, wisdom to build and strengthen families.
So what is wisdom?
It is having a clear life of the things of life, it is knowing how to appreciate, it is seeing things according to the truth, it is admitting that we are not always right.
Wisdom is not measured with an intelligence quotient, it is not manipulation or brainwashing, it is based on the word of God, it is the renewal of thought, it is superior to human thought .
Our lives are a function of how we reason.
Divine wisdom prepares us for the return of the bridegroom.
In the parable of the ten virgins, they waited for the Lord but it was those who were wise who met the bridegroom, those who had the wisdom of the world, who had one foot in the world, one foot in Christ did not have could see the kingdom of God.
Jesus is our wisdom and Solomon understood his importance as king.
Beyond his gifts and talents, beyond his possessions and his connections, he needed a fruit of the spirit that could not be bought.
He needed to orient and conform his life to the wisdom of God.
That’s why today’s advice is Keep praying for more wisdom.
Ecclesiastes, 8: 1 – Who is like a wise man, and who knows the explanation of things? A man’s wisdom makes his face shine, and the severity of his face is changed.
Who can interpret God’s words or teach his truths?
He who is wise has the discernment to solve the problems in front of him.
So let us pray to the Lord that the Lord will fill us with the anointing of wisdom so that we do not stray from the word of God.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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