My Month Of Progress! Luke1:49

Beloved, being a Christian does not make us better than others, it is the grace of God.
Many are with us in church, many seek to do God’s will, but many do not know the God they worship.
Peter loved Jesus, he cared for the Lord, he was ready to defend the Lord no matter what, but he did not foresee that the circumstances of life could take him out of the glory of God.
When we read the story of Peter, we are sure that we do not recognize ourselves in this account, we wonder how a person who said to love his Lord could betray him in this way, we are even sometimes disappointed with the attitude of our friend and that saddens us.
Let us tell ourselves that God purposely inserted this part in the bible to show us how we all are, to draw our attention to our behavior when the pressures of the world are choking us.
Yaweh wants us to realize what we are capable of doing.
How many times have we missed worship and say faith is in the heart?
How many times have we commune or evangelized this year and tell ourselves that we are serving God in our own way?
How many times have we followed Jesus from afar so as not to face criticism and mockery?
How many times have we defied the word of God or espoused false reasoning to please the public.
Let us know that every time we follow Jesus from afar, we take risks, we are in danger, we lose spiritual security.
Many hide in going to church on Sundays, reading their Bibles to brag about being children of God yet their hearts are not with God.
It doesn’t take much to refuse to believe in the Lord.
Who pushed Peter to ignore his Master?
One question in the face of adversity and we are in a panic.
We deny God every day with our words, our thoughts, our actions, our silence, our smile …
Yes, we are under false stereotypes, we camouflage our true identity in the eyes of the world but this does not escape the Father.
Are Sunday Christians?
Are we those who hold God when everything is bad but reject him when our sky is open?
It is the sad reality, we can be afraid to the point of denying Jesus so as not to be crucified with him.
We think we are strong, we cannot fall and even when God warns us like Peter of what we will do, we take it lightly.
Let us be careful not to stray from the light of God.
Matthew, 24:13 – But he who endures to the end will be saved.
Fast and pray never to give up on God!
We need endurance, we need to hold on, we need to be strong and courageous, not for a moment but to the end if we are to be companions with Christ.
Starting the race is within everyone’s reach but finishing it is the whole problem and the Lord tells us this morning that it is the end that counts.
We are in a time of danger for the faith, a time when evil cools the truth.
It is for this reason that we must stand firm in following the word of God and doing the will of the Lord.
Hello family
Good day

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