My Month Of Distinction! Ps139 :14

This matter of Jesus has some truths that we must know if we are not to perish.
To come to church is to be called, it does not have to be chosen.
Seventy people decide to follow Jesus, they want to be disciples of Jesus but Jesus himself decides to re-sort, to choose, to elect the people with whom he wants and will walk.
He chooses twelve, is that normal? and gives them the name of * Apostles * which means builders.
To say what ?
To say that Jesus does not build the future with everyone, which is why he takes the time to explain in his word, * it is not you who chose me, it is I who have you selected*
Are we then elected?
Are we one of the chosen?
Are we counted in the lot of twelve?
Can God count on us?
Has God chosen us?
Are we sure we will win the election?
There are many of us, but will we be selected?
It is not a question of the multitude but of the seriousness of the minority responsible for building.
The truth that we have to run with in 2022 is that we are not called.
In the appeal, we may be disqualified along the way.
It is the elected officials who inherit the heritage, it is for them.
The heritage is theirs, so let’s do everything to have an apostolic spark in us.
Jesus wants to build his work, he does not want profiteers, those who seek their interests.
It’s the truth.
It is a biblical truth.
Beloved, let us seek to know the truth.
It is Jesus, the truth.
John, 8:32 – you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Seek to know the truth.
Are we free people? Where can we really find our freedom?
Many think that freedom is to do what we want without ever realizing while freedom is to be freed from sin, it is to come out of spiritual blindness and to seek salvation.
The truth is in the word of God,
the truth is the perfect revelation of the essence of Jesus Christ,
the truth sets us free from all bondage,
the truth brings us back to the Lord.
With Jesus, the chains are broken, the bonds are broken, the doors of prisons are opened and we are loath to sin.
Let’s know the truth, folks.
It is in the Holy Scriptures, it is the light that guides us and brings us to our destination.
Hello family
Have a good day

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