My Month Of Fulfillment! Matt7:7

We are invited to pray for our assemblies, not those of others but our own.
Too often we enjoy other people’s meetings, we honor other pastors, but we trample on the grace that is on our altar.
Our assemblies need a fresh anointing, they thirst for the presence of God.
They want to know the glory and experience the fullness but we must know that it comes through prayer.
The church needs intercessors, those who pray in spirit and in truth, those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.
We want heaven to be open to our ministries but we refuse to pay the price, we want to be known by the world but we don’t want to make sacrifices.
The Bible tells us that in the early church, people supported each other, they came together to pray for each other, and love was in their midst.
The Lord wants us to return to that time when we fellowship together, when we share with one heart.
In Jeremiah, 29:12 – You shall call on me, and you shall go; you will pray to me, and I will hear you.
Pray with your assembly today.
The Lord answers those who seek Him, He answers the prayers of the pure in heart.
In Jeremiah, Israel was to go into captivity for seventy years but they were not to be treated as slaves if they remained humble and respectful.
The verse that concerns us is a message of hope from the Lord to the exiles.
The Lord promised Israel to do him good if he seeks him again, he will let himself be found and will answer all prayers.
Let’s go back to our first love.
He, Jesus can establish us, he is our refuge and we will lack nothing.
Thank you Father for blowing a wind of restoration over your congregation.
Thank you for showering abundant blessings upon us.
May the glory be yours.
Good day

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