My Month Of Fulfillment! Matt7:7

Cameroon is the cradle of our ancestors,
This country was dedicated to our ancestors,
They made covenants there, they gave no wealth, they allotted the seed in bondage.
It is not only out of patriotism, nor out of fanaticism, but these are altars that our parents have built to keep their children attached to their roots.
We will always return to our foundations, our origins.
Like yokes around our necks, we will always be pulled into our villages.
Our ancestors refuse to let us flourish, they want to keep us in their nets and we must submit to their service.
But now we have Jesus, we have Emmanuel, we have his power, we have his power.
We no longer depend on our lands, we are separated from our totems.
JESUS ​​broke the hand that kept the sky of this nation closed, he tore the curtain that blocked our way, he gave us our freedom.
Cameroon is brought into the revival, it walks towards its light.
The stone is rolled away, Jesus is on the throne.
And the Lord wants to answer us in this month, he wants to block the voice that claims us, he wants to snatch us from the clutches of the enemy but we must also return to him, we must stop prostituting ourselves to other gods, we we must purify ourselves and let the Lord fill us.
Isaiah 59:1 – No, the hand of the Lord is not too short to save, Nor his ear too dull to hear.
Pray for the Cameroon Nation.
God is not insensitive to our cries.
It is our sins that keep us from being answered.
God is too holy to see sin so he has to walk away.
Let’s stop bothering the Lord and humble ourselves through repentance, take our relationship with God seriously.
Nothing is impossible to the Lord but only comes back to our first love.
He is ready to welcome us, he is ready to make our nation a land flowing with milk and honey if we consecrate and sanctify ourselves.
Good morning all
Good day

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