My Month Of Investment! Eccl11:1

There is a family that has been blessed with two nations.
And already in the sale of their mother, one of them was already very crafty.
Even growing up, this child remained smart in his way of acting.
And one day, because he wanted to be the influencer, he continued in his politics.
His name is Jacob.
Jacob is not very valiant, he is intelligent but he prefers in his slyness to stay in his mother’s kitchen rather than become a man.
His brother, Esau is very clever, hardworking, enterprising, the kind of child who is the pride of parents.
Father Isaac is very attached to his son Esau and Jacob prefers the company of his mother.
The problem with this story is that when they were born, Rebecca, their mother, received an instruction from God and it was up to her to do everything possible to ensure that the word of God was fulfilled.
One day, the more diplomatic Jacob will deceive his more negligent brother Esau.
Esau knows that he is the eldest of the family, he is the heir, the one who will hold the command but he will yield it to Jacob because of a dish of food, he will return exhausted from his hunt and will barter his strength to his brother because he is hungry.
Esau declares with his mouth that he is giving up his donkey right to his brother because it is not important, it is of no use to him.
And spiritually speaking takes place and we can understand that spiritual things can be bought with physical things.
When releasing the blessing, Isaac wants to eat first, he wants to be satisfied first so that his son receives the blessing.
While Esau goes hunting for game, his mother Rebecca and his brother Jacob conspire against him and steal Isaac’s prophetic statements.
Jacob deceives his father, he uses the identity of Esau to receive the blessing.
When he returns, there is nothing more to give him, Esau is angry and Jacob is forced to flee his father’s house to hide with his uncle.
The complicated things we sometimes find ourselves in can land us in jail and tarnish our reputation.
That’s what our God is talking about this morning.
Always run away from shady business.
Proverbs, 13:11 – Ill-gotten wealth diminishes, but the hoarder gradually increases it.
What is obtained by quick, risky, shady means does not enjoy the blessing of God, wealth is acquired by honest work.
It requires wisdom and takes time.
We have been commanded to work.
It is essential for our fulfillment, our comfort so if we participate in games of chance, we will override the principle of God and we will disobey.
The curse follows the one who gets dirty money, his possessions are cursed while the one who works, plans, designs, finds ways and means to build a path for himself is blessed.
Beloved, let’s do the right thing, stay within the line that God has drawn, and let the glory of the Lord shine upon us.
hello to us
Have a good day

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