My Month Of Sharing ! He13:16

Let us not be forced to give, let us give voluntarily according to our means, so that what we contribute goes to help the saints.
The saints are not only the anointed ones but also all those believers who need support, help.
We need to know that as part of the body of Christ, we need to stick together, we need to look after each other, we need to share what we have with those in need.
2 Corinthians 8:4 – urging us to take part in the care of the saints.
Pray for grace to become a source of blessings for the saints.
Paul exhorts the believers to give abundantly, he wants the Corinthians to excel in charitable works, he does not want empty words, useless promises but rather real help.
In addition to evangelism, Paul wants to take care of the poor Christians in Jerusalem, he wants us to learn to support others.
Let us get more involved in those things that make others happy, let us be generous.
We are not to be indifferent, we are to be more attentive and help others to fulfil themselves.
Father, give us to imitate you and especially to be people who love their neighbour.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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