My Month Of Gifts! Ps37:4

Let us stop saying that we have nothing,
That we have received nothing from God.
This is not true.
Everyone has received something.
In the parable of the talents, the Lord gave his sons abilities that everyone should use.
Some were able to multiply what they had and others failed to use their full potential.
The first and the second did not sit idly by,
they worked hard to get by,
They let the genius in them speak and they made the master proud.
On the other hand, the last one who was lazy did not take his mission seriously, he refused to experience the talent that was in him.
Many times in our churches we see discoveries, but we also have people who can sing but who refuse to
people who can sing but refuse to get involved in the work.
We see people who can perform but do not want to be involved in the service.
Yet they can serve God and give Him glory.
Let us know that when it is the Lord who takes the place,
we discover ourselves,
we reinvent ourselves, we go from glory to glory because we let ourselves be led by the Lord.
In any case, the Lord invites us to manifest the gift that sleeps in us.
Let us not let it die,
Let us not choke it
Let us not neglect it.
1 Corinthians, 7:7 – I wish all men were like me, but each has a special gift from God, one in one way and another in another.
Fast and Pray for the revelation and manifestation of your hidden gift.
Paul wants us, like him, to give up our bad lives to devote ourselves to the Lord, to let the Lord shape us in the way he has planned, to allow the Father to put us back on the divine path.
Like Saul, we can be Pauls, evangelists,
people who spread the full gospel and set captives free.
Paul also recognises that we have different gifts that we need to use.
So let our talent be awakened and may the Lord be glorified.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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