My Month Of Stability! Ps62:2

It’s not in our nature to obey.
We think our freedom opens all doors and we resist anything that doesn’t flatter our ego.
We’re drawn to destructive ways and rely on God to get us out of them.
And when we take a step of obedience, at the slightest disturbance
we complain, we accuse,
we want to put the blame on others.
Our mentality is so stuck that we’re not even afraid of breaking God’s laws,
We’re more comfortable pursuing a man’s dreams than espousing God’s will.
The Lord loves us and offers us his presence at all times.
His love surrounds us,
He is always ready to show us the way,
He has even made us understand that he can do anything and that his mercy lasts forever, but we continue to rebel against him.
And we don’t always understand that it was our unbelief that took us out of the Garden of Eden,
it’s because of our hardened hearts that sickness, poverty and suffering humble us every time.
To tell the Lord that we love him is to respect his principles,
Honouring the Lord means trusting him even when everything goes against our wishes,
Acclaiming Yaweh means having the faith that reminds us that everything is possible with Jesus.
Naaman gets up to go and seek healing and restoration from Elisha the prophet, but he has designed his model of action in his head,
he wants things to satisfy his desires.
When he arrives, the prophet does not receive him but sends to give him instructions about what he has come for.
Since Naaman is a general, influential, recommended by the king, everyone must be at his feet.
He does not know that it is the spiritual that controls the natural; he feels that heaven must come to him because of his position.
In all his disappointment and pride, he is ready to postpone his illness and his disgrace in order to return to his country, instead of going to immerse himself seven times in the Jordan, as Elisha said.
Do we see and understand how we behave every day with God and his anointed ones?
Do we see how we are so influenced by our status that we think we can control God?
Do we see the state of our heart when an instruction is given to us?
Very quickly we are ready to abdicate because the packaging of the blessing does not suit us.
Even the story of the young prophet whom the Lord sent to speak to Jeroboam.
Because of seduction, immaturity and lack of discernment, the old prophet managed to turn away a man of God in full growth, even though he had received the Lord’s instructions.
Beloved, all this is to tell us that we must each make the effort to return to the foot of the cross.
We must accept to get down on our feet to please the Lord first.
Who do we obey when we are faced with adversity?
To whom do we run for advice?
Do we expect the Father to tell us what to do, and how do we handle it?
Obedience is a problem in our lives.
Walking according to God’s recommendations is impossible unless we change our ways, and we must also stop murmuring.
God knows our destiny, he knows what’s best for us more than we do ourselves, he only wants us to be happy, so when he sets the rules, it’s up to us to follow them.
He is God, and it is we who need him, so let us cling to him and remain under his wings.
2 Thessalonians, 2:15 – So then, brethren, stand firm and keep the instructions you have received, whether by our word or by our letter.
Pray to remain obedient to divine instructions.
The believers in Thessalonica had begun to listen to other doctrines and were becoming confused.
Paul wrote to them to help them understand and hold to the truths of the gospel that he had taught them.
Paul encouraged these believers to remain steadfast, even though they were suffering persecution, and reassured them that God would comfort and console them in their trials.
Let’s not be fooled by the world, let’s just keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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