My Month Of Stability! Ps62:2

Beloved, the Lord has promised us stability in this month.
Yaweh wants each of us to be calm so that we can savour his blessings,
the Lord expects us to have the assurance that only he can offer.
As we already know, every time God wants to bless us, the enemy rises up to frighten us,
to make us doubt,
to make us murmur, and it is our attitude that determines whether we are really attached to the Lord.
The story of Job teaches us this morning.
Job was a man of integrity and justice, God knew him by name and God appreciated his spiritual strength.
Job was an accomplished, stable, settled man.
One day, at a meeting called by God, the devil invited himself.
While the Lord was honouring his servant, the devil intervened with his venom, wanting to discredit our man and make him believe that he is capable of sowing unbelief in him if God’s hand is moved aside.
The Lord knows each one of us,
he knows our capacity for retention
He knows who is spiritual and who is not, so he allowed the devil to test his anointed without taking his life.
This is how the life of this valiant man came to an end.
In a short time, he lost everything,
his children,
his possessions
his influence,
his authority,
his health, everything…
And he became the laughing stock of everyone, even his wife, who even suggested that he turn his back on his Jesus because she didn’t understand that the one who says he protects and saves had abandoned them.
Surely, Job’s wife began to be a rebel.
Alongside her were her friends, those with whom Job spent time.
When they heard of their friend’s tribulations, they went to console and support him.
They spent seven days and seven nights with their friend.
After weeping, they had lost all motivating words, so astonished were they at Job’s affliction.
It was Job who broke the silence because, as a well-informed man, he understood that this silence was an admission of guilt.
His friends begin to find reasons for his condition, and Job begins to sink into depression and discouragement.
Job soon pulls himself together and realises that those they called his friends are only his enemies.
They don’t see things the same way,
They are there to make this needy man understand that there is no point in crying out to God, he will not come to his aid because, in their eyes, Job is vain.
Bildad reminds us that God reigns supreme over all creation,
He can do anything,
he sees everything,
he knows everything, but none of this will help their friend, whom they advise to compromise himself.
Beloved, we must be careful whenever we are in trouble,
every time we look for a way out, there are people who will try to lead us astray from the way of the Lord.
Sometimes they will use words from the Bible, but they are not from God.
They come to tell us that the Lord is not interested in our situation, otherwise he would have responded.
So we are invited to stand firm and trust the Lord.
But the truth is that the Lord does every good thing in its time.
Job, 25:2 – Power and terror belong to God; he makes peace in his high regions.
Fast and pray that terror will be the daily lot of your enemies.
Good day to you all
Have a nice day

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